On Wednesday, 15-February, ASI’s “Harness the Wind” speaker / host, Suzanne Benloucif, presented an informative overview of the upcoming 2023 ASI Level 2 course. Members of ASI’s Level 2 Leadership, Donna Dillon and Norm Schmidt, joined the presentation to answer questions and provide additional information around the program.
Suzanne introduced ASI’s fleet of L2 Catalina keelboats that are docked at JBM on Lake St. Clair. She also described the several topics that will be covered in detail during the Level 2 course, including seamanship skills, operation rules for power and sailing, basic keelboat maintenance, VHF radio communications and navigation techniques and tools. Suzanne also referenced ASI’s keelboat checklists used prior to launch, as well as after docking that help ensure a safe and fun sail on Lake St. Clair.
There’s still time to register for this year’s Level 2 training, but the class is filling up quickly. Registration is open through February 26, 2023. If interested, contact Traci Crocker to register.
Links to the “Harness the Wind” videos may be found through the ASI web page:
Learn to Sail | Organization for Boats, Classes and More! (americansailinginstitute.org)
Go to Members à ASI Documents à Quick Link Documents and a link (Harness the Wind – Google Drive) to the “Harness the Wind” Google Drive will display at the bottom of the list.
Please remember to join the next ‘Harness the Wind’ Zoom Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 15-March at 7 pm. ASI’s “Harness the Wind” speaker / host Pam Schmidt, along with Bill Lane and Sherri Gregory will talk about Maggie May travels through the North Channel in preparation for this year’s L3/4 timeshares and transfer trips.